
If you’re offered a seat on a rocket ship, don’t ask what seat! Just get on.


–Sheryl Sandberg

Hours Of Light.

Waking up with re-affirmed motivation, marking the calendar, another day gone. Sun rays piercing the shutters, an impressive display of light, reminder of a world that exists beyond my own. Rough drafts and crumpled papers on the ground, making for a unique carpet design, nothing but an overflowing trash-can; something to be expected from a writer who wants to deliver nothing but his best. Conversing with providers of positive energy through cyberspace, a Cold circle that has seen its fair share of variations over the years.

A part of me in each piece written, an assortment of emotions; when combined, reveal a complete picture. “Pompous, arrogant, selfish, vain” a medley of recurring words thrown at me in no particular order, meant to impale and not to build. Rarely understood, compensating for misunderstandings by sharing my inner thoughts. As the sun descends I push rewind, gauging the positives and negatives of the day, counting my blessings; making it my mission to have done something productive. As long as those I care about are smiling, I believe my mission for the day is complete.




People often say that motivation does not last. Well, neither does bathing.  That’s why we recommend it daily.

–Zig Ziglar

Finding X

Retracted by the puzzle,

Pieces not in place

Pushed by the muzzle,

Embarking on a chase


Chastised by the thought,

Of solving problems

I initially could not.

Full swing of the bat

Home run

Victory gleaned from risk.


Finding X entails a dictionary void of ‘slack’

Divide, add, multiply, subtract

No hope descends

Mind the cataract,

Equations still loiter in the back.


Answers abound,

In a field full of questions

Harvest the most taxing

Where the clouds form

Provide sunshine,

Wake the early bird.


As you sift through the yield,

Sing together knowing

The resolutions to the exigent

Were only

But a step away.







Its all in the mind.

Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.

Henry Ford

What Makes A Genius?


What makes a genius? no, seriously, what makes a person so intellectually adept  and exceptionally good at whatever they are doing? Being unfathomably grand so as to be christened the title (of) ‘Genius’?

At times, I look at geniuses like Einstein and think its impossible, that there’s no way I could ever match up to that level of thinking; usually I convince myself in the end that it has to do with DNA. I have been looking for an answer to this question for a long time and after thorough research that pre-dates months, I have gathered what  I believe to be  integral  to becoming a genius.



The first, if not the most important, is motivation; no genius ever comes up with great ideas by not being inspired to think of them. A person needs to feel motivated to achieve something; setting targets for each week or month is a good start. We need to realize that things did not come easy for the people we look up to, they only managed to get where they are by being resilient as well as persistent.



“Did you write what you believe to be a perfect piece just now? well, news flash, think of something better than that.”


“Did you think of something better? good. But still, think of something even better than that.”


Many people like myself believe in the perfect first draft of a written piece. However, there is need for self-criticism; really harsh criticism. If it means meditating over a single idea for the course of one day, do so. By being harsh critics to ourselves, and not accepting anything we make as perfect, we will undoubtedly improve.



While training , we should avoid feeling hopeless or bitter with whatever we are doing. We should take ‘failure’ as an ‘opportunity’ to learn ways in which we can do things better. Think about it, if we make a mistake today, it just means next time we’ll know what not to do.



Keep pushing, no matter what, even if everything is going well there is always room to do even more. Gratification from success is welcome, however, keeping it to a minimum will help avoid a massive ego.



We need to go past what we believe to be our mental limit. We can never know if an idea is good if we do not take risks and escape our comfort zone.

“The pursuit of greatness never makes logical, “kitchen table” sense… The only way to get there is to go farther, harder, longer than almost everyone else, to push well past the point of logic or reason. If it looked easy or even attainable to most, then many more would get there. That is why ultra-achievers (of whatever age) are also dreamers. They must have part of their heads stuck in the clouds in order to imagine the unimaginable.”

– David Shenk, in the book, The Genius in all of us: New insights into genetics, talent and I.Q.



We should not feel ashamed for being inspired by other people in our social circle, we could always learn a multitude of things from people that surround us. Ask questions when you don’t know the answer, inquire with others when you’re not sure about something. Patience is key, this process will not happen over night, one step at a time will get us to our intended destination.  We need to alter our state of mind and believe that we are capable of greater things. In the end, we need to remember that we all have genius deep within us, all we have to do is bring it out through hard work.




If you want more information try checking out this book:

The Genius in all of us: New insights into genetics, talent and I.Q. by David Shenk.


(All references to the aforementioned book or otherwise are copyright to their respective owners as this entry is purely intended for educational and somewhat didactic purposes)

Long Lost forgeries.

Thoughts run in tandem with the ink, feelings are channeled from the cerebrum and onto the blank canvas. Ever so often, ideas are scattering and merging like water at dew point. I fathom that i am lost within myself, as if my very being has gone incognito and altered bearings. The black and white antenna provides a better broadcast for those who wish to get a better signal.

It is an arduous task, initiating written voyages with different colored paper fluids,expecting the masses to comprehend the situation; after all, a pen can sometimes be the best brain prop. However, giving palpability to my own thinking in due course provides a formula, one that i utilize to brew a solution. I no longer feel stagnant like a hamster on a tread-mill, i feel my mental self traversing over social barriers… i feel, progress.

A Hall Of Mirrors.

Waking up from a world I thought was real, looking everywhere and seeing multiple projections of the person I’ve become. Through slumber, I find circumstantial footage of myself, reacting to events in ways I never thought I would. A dream with a twisted idea of mathematicssubtractions I never saw coming, people dying, leaving me powerless in the wake of a situation I thought I would be able to handle. Mirrored reflections, all reacting in different ways, none mimicking my initial motions. Doing what I can, polishing the mirrors, clearing the smudges and fingerprints intended to hide my true nature; each step counts, I can feel the need for progression, I hear it, as if my shoes are laced with wind-chimes.

Has the time come for me to be open? like a graciously provided Christmas present; willing to show content I keep on the inside. A habit i’m not familiar with, a stranger to my own emotions. Not that what I hold is invaluable, but it goes to show what I truly feel. One with the algorithm, calculating each move and staying true to myself, sheer authenticity; that is how I plan to maintain and increase the intended velocity. A tide of change, washing away what was, and bringing onto shore what will be.

