

Expectations of me, I sweep to the side

I have my dreams, vision; how I choose to live

Giving a damn about anything and everything

That passes my peripheral vision will

Inevitably spread me too thin.


Very selective about what needs my attention

Entertaining influence from the ignorant

Feeds nothing but my ignorance,

So what do I do, except sieve what I deem inappropriate;

Calm, as I take my time; settling in the design

Of my Maker’s embroidery.


ā€“ O.D. Ā©2018


Art by:Ā ryky


Give a damn about everything and you will always feel like you’re fighting a losing battle; highly prone to fatigue.Ā 

Whenever I feel like I am under pressure I ask myself if whatever is worrying me is going to kill me. If it’s not, I stop worrying. It may be a little tricky to switch perception like a switch, definitely takes practice. The work I do requires a certain level of emotional intelligence, and I would like to believe it has helped me improve in that department.

Its Wednesday, enjoy your Thursday. It’s almost Friday.


4 Replies to “Expectations.”

  1. ā€œEntertaining influence from the ignorant..
    Feeds nothing but my ignoranceā€

    Love these lines. Very profound. I can never say I give a damn, because for me even saying that is acknowledging my hurt. Definitely with time I have learnt to sift through the multitude of connections and hold on to the gems that have been there for me and regardless of the distances and frequency of our interactions that valuable connection stays intact. The rest I slowly let go… if I am important enuf for them they will return to me

    1. Most people who do not value us tend to eventually leave on their own, I agree. Perhaps it is much easier to deal with it that way than forcefully making it happen.

      Thank you for the comment šŸ™‚

    1. This is also true, I can relate to the idda of pressure. Being pushed to abide by some metric in which the other person believes to be ideal is rather deterring.

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